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Sustainable Energy Planning

The research group works with energy planning with a cross-disciplinary focus on the design, evaluation and implementation of future sustainable energy solutions.


Sustainable Energy Planning

The research group works with energy planning with a cross-disciplinary focus on the design, evaluation and implementation of future sustainable energy solutions.

The Sustainable Energy Planning Research Group takes an interdisciplinary approach to the design and implementation of future sustainable energy systems.

The subject of study is energy planning in general with a focus on technical, geographical, economic and institutional aspects, such as energy system analysis, feasibility studies and public regulation seen in the light of technological change.  Among others, the group promotes the concept of Smart Energy Systems to provide the scientific basis for a paradigm shift away from single-sector thinking into a coherent and integrated understanding of how to design and identify the most achievable and affordable strategies to implement coherent future sustainable energy systems.


The group hosts the energy system analysis model EnergyPLAN, which is a freeware used by researchers all around the world. So far, the model has been used in more than 100 peer-reviewed journal articles.

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The group hosts the energy system analysis model EnergyPLAN, which is a freeware used by researchers all around the world. So far, the model has been used in more than 100 peer-reviewed journal articles.

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Presentation of the Group

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Presentation of the Group

Energy Planning in Practise

In practice, the work of the research group comprises:

  • Development of computer models and tools for designing future sustainable energy systems
  • Regular involvement in the design of Danish and European energy policies and their implementation
  • Design of strategies for the development of energy efficiency and the integration of renewable energy
  • Analysis of planning, organisational and ownership models for integrated renewable energy

Developments of new theoretical and methodological concepts such as “Concrete Institutional Economics”, Choice Awareness” and “Smart Energy Systems”

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